Penis Sensitivity Issues Feedback

Your feedback and ideas to enhance penis sensitivity are solicited! Click HERE to email your ideas, experience and corrections to the webmaster.

Any email which seriously contributes information, personal experiences, or legitimate questions will be published on this page. This feedback page is not a blog at this time, but could become a blog in the future. 


Platelet Rich Plasma

This innovative new treatment uses the patient’s own blood platelets which assist in healing injuries naturally, by drawing blood and then using a specialized centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelet-derived growth factors to rejuvenate injuries faster. This process is now apparently used to “rejuvenate the penis, allow more blood flow to the organ, enhance nerve sensitivity, and deliver enduring improvement in sexual function.” The “Priapus Shot” was developed by Charles Runels, MD, who holds the trademark.
The natural serum that produces these effects is known as Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix, or PRFM. According to the promotional literature, the treatment takes about 15 minutes to perform using a tiny needle (a topical anesthetic makes the process virtually painless), and the resulting benefits typically include tissue growth that increases the length and girth of the penis, growth of new blood vessels and improved circulation within the penis, stronger erections, increased sensation and pleasure, and enhanced sexual performance. Because the treatment uses the patient’s own enriched blood enriched plasma, it is non-allergenic and free of harmful side effects.

Does anyone have information or experience about this process?

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